Standards & Regulations
We are glad you are interested in the Gospel Health Evangelism training offered at M.E.E.T. Ministry. These Standards & Regulations have
been prepared to help you become familiar with our policies that govern our training program and the M.E.E.T. community. Adherence to these
guidelines ensures the maintenance of a spiritual atmosphere where God will be glorified, and the unity amongst faculty, staff, and
If you have any further questions after going through these standards and regulations, please don't hesitate to contact us at 731.244.2140
or via email at
- At all times let your thoughts, words and actions be under the divine influence of the Holy Spirit.
- Men and women should guard against familiarity between the sexes.
- Courtship while in school is to be avoided.
- Unmarried students are to avoid visitation between the sexes living quarters.
- All classes, school devotions, and evangelistic programs are to be attended by all students living on campus.
Regularity in time is of utmost importance in your spiritual development. Therefore, you must be on time for devotions, work assignments,
classes, and meals.
- All students are to participate in scheduled work assignments – such as kitchen, grounds, housekeeping, etc.
Two meals are provided per day and will be served in the cafeteria at the designated times. Breakfast is served from 7:00 to 8:30 a.m.,
lunch is served from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m.
- If you will not be eating a given meal, please notify the Food Supervisor as soon as possible before that meal.
No food is to be prepared or eaten in the sleeping quarters. Since we are on a two meal plan, you will be financially responsible for your
third meal. All eating is to be done in the dining area.
Students can attend according to his or her choice, any of the local area Seventh-day Adventist. He or she needs to make their own travel
arrangements. There will occasionally be announced scheduled Sabbath services held on the campus.
- Your living quarters should be kept cleaned and orderly. Living quarters will be periodically evaluated.
- Daily assigned chores and Sabbath preparations should be done faithfully.
- Students should care for the dorms as they would their own personal belongings.
- Since showers and bathrooms must be shared with a number of people, please limit your time to 15 minutes, and clean up after use.
Students are to be responsible for their own personal possessions. M.E.E.T. Ministry is not liable for any lost possessions or any accidents
while you are on the School property.
- No pets are allowed.
Dress should be in harmony with the principles of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. Therefore, shorts, t-shirts, ladies wearing pants (a
dress or skirt can be worn over pants during certain situations as long as the dress/skirt comes below the calves), form-fitting or
see-through clothes, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, ankle chains, make-up, low neck line blouses and dresses are inappropriate for those
who represent their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Personal neatness and order should always be maintained. Personal hygiene is essential to good health, both spiritually and physically.
All grounds connected with this ministry are God’s grounds, therefore, they are holy grounds and we should maintain the cleanliness of the
grounds. All trash and unsightly objects are to be disposed of in appropriate places.
Administrative office, staff homes, storage buildings, and other properties and facilities not directly connected with the school are not to
be entered without first receiving permission by those who are responsible for those areas.
- Any student causing damage to the ministry’s property will be liable for reimbursement to the ministry.
- All vehicles are to be parked in designated parking areas.
- There is a non-refundable application fee of $250.
- Tuition is to be paid in full upon arrival (orientation day) unless previous arrangements have been made.
- Students are to be responsible for their own laundry. There are facilities on the property in designated places.
Mail will be collected and distributed daily by M.E.E.T. staff. Mail is not to be removed from the mailbox by anyone other than M.E.E.T.
staff. You will be notified by M.E.E.T. Staff when packages are ready for pickup from the office.
In the event of any emergency health related issues that students may experience while at school, M.E.E.T. will minister to your needs
through our health facility at a minimum cost.