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“That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations.”
Psalm 67:2
In an article written in the Review and Herald dated January 14, 1902, Dr. David Paulson wrote,
“It is impossible for all to have the benefit of our regularly organized health institutions. Nevertheless, those deprived of such a privilege have a right to some of the crumbs that fall from our richly furnished tables. God has not been sending this people such splendid rays of light upon the subject of right living, and the care of the sick, all these years simply for us to hoard up for ourselves, or perhaps even worse, discard altogether. These truths were entrusted to us for the benefit of the world, and God will sooner or later demand of us a strict account of our stewardship.
The greatest thing about a sanitarium is not by any means the completeness of its appliances, but the amount of light and truth that it cherishes, and reflects into the hearts and lives of those who are brought in contact with it.
The successful cure of ordinary periodical sic headache requires neither an extensive paraphernalia nor a scientific training. Do you know what kind of diet to recommend in order to clear up a coated tongue? Are you aware that the average attack of biliousness is only an indication of decomposition and fermentation in the stomach? Do you know what simple thing it is to cure it? If not, why not?
If your own families do not need such information, some one in your immediate vicinity is suffering because of the lack of it. Are you so busily engaged in the commonplace affairs of life that you have no time to give special attention to the subjects which pertain to the health of soul and body? If so, what assurance have you that the angels of God will not be too busy to care for you when a thousand fall on one side and ten thousand on the other? As an excuse, do you say you cannot afford to subscribe for the journals or purchase the literature through which God would convey these truths to the people? If so, have you not wondered how your neighbor who is in the same financial condition as you are, succeeded in meeting the funeral expense of his only child, who might have lived if your home had been the center of light and health that God intended it should be?
The homes of all those who expect soon to meet God should be miniature sanitariums. Then, and not until then, will be fulfilled some of those prophecies in the latter part of the book of Isaiah, relative to the wonderful position that the people of God are to occupy in the world just prior to the close of time.”
This how my family and I started over thirty years ago in our home taking individuals in who needed physical, mental and spiritual healing using the methods ordained by the Great Physician, Jesus Christ, thus connecting them to the Savior. I will share more insights in Part 2 of our next newsletter: Transforming Your Home Into a Sanitarium, Part 2.
In our book, Transforming Your Home Into a Sanitarium we describe in detail how a home, a church or any dwelling in any part of the world can be transformed into a place of healing using natural remedies based on Biblical principles and scientific and clinical evidence. Contact us to purchase a copy.
Also, in our previous newsletter, I stated that in the future newsletter we would share information on transitioning from the city to the country, practical preparation. Information that I found very important to have for making the transition. The word of the Lord admonishes us in Luke 4:28-30 “For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have [sufficient] to finish [it]? Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish [it], all that behold [it] begin to mock him, Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish.”
Send for a copy of the information entitled, Physical Preparation Plan for the Sunday Law Crisis.
M.E.E.T. Ministry’s School of Gospel-Medical Missionary Evangelism 2024 with its improved format is accepting applications now. Contact us or go to our website for more information and an application. Space is limited.
-Dr. Thomas Jackson
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