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Our Home Natural Health Retreat

Where GODSPLAN Is Made Simple!

  • Our Home
  • Inquiry Form

OUR HOME is a Natural Health Retreat whose small home-like atmosphere is conducive to the restoration of physical, mental and spiritual health. Our program is uniquely designed to meet the specific needs of each guest. Our Home uses the eight laws of health and simple remedial agencies that God has provided for maintaining and regaining life and vitality.

Our program is designed to assist with the following health conditions:

  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Cancer
  • Colitis
  • Constipation
  • Crohn's Disease
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Digestive Disorders
  • Gas Intestinal Disorders
  • HIV
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Lupus
  • Mental Health (Depression, Anxiety, Stress, PTSD, Grief, Addiction, Abandonment Issues, etc
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Weight Management
  • Women's Health Issues
  • Other health related issues

Powerful Testimonies on The Results That Are Possible When We Follow GOD'S PLAN.

Session Dates for 2025

18-Day Sessions

18-Day Session | Jan 5 - 23, 2025

18-Day Session | Mar 9 - 27, 2025
18-Day Session | Apr 13 - May 1, 2025
18-Day Session | May 18 - Jun 5, 2025
18-Day Session | Jul 6 - 24, 2025

18-Day Session | Sep 14 - Oct 2, 2025
18-Day Session | Oct 26 - Nov 13, 2025

10-Day Sessions

10-Day Session | Jan 5 - 15, 2025
10-Day Session | Feb 9 - 19, 2025
10-Day Session | Mar 9 - 19, 2025
10-Day Session | Apr 13 - 23, 2025
10-Day Session | May 18 - 28, 2025
10-Day Session | Jul 6 - 16, 2025
10-Day Session | Aug 10 - 20, 2025
10-Day Session | Sep 14 - 24, 2025
10-Day Session | Oct 26 - Nov 5, 2025 
10-Day Session | Dec 7 - 17, 2025

Our 18-day or 10-day session is perfect for those who are seeking to restore or preserve their health. Through a supervised live-in session, our skilled therapists implement GOD'S PLAN so that you can experience restorative power for your—body, mind and spirit. The session entails cleansing the body first, then building up and strengthening it to start you on the pathway to health and happiness.
While every day is a gift from God and will contain unexpected surprises, a "typical" day during the first week consists of scheduled cleansing drinks, herbal teas, fresh vegetable juices, broths, and various forms of hydrotherapy and/or poultices depending upon your condition. In the afternoon, informative lectures are given which provide principles for attaining and maintaining optimal health. During the second week herbal teas and vegetables juices may be continued. The overall daily program consists of the following:

  • We begin early in the morning with an inspirational thought which is considered as therapeutic as the nutrition and therapies received.
  • This is followed by an energizing breakfast, a stretching session and digestive walk.
  • Therapy follows next. The type of therapy varies from day to day, but will always be specifically chosen to address your specific health condition. This will be given six times per week by one of our qualified hygienists. A rest is recommended after each session to enhance the results.
  • After a delicious dinner and walk, a lecture is given which covers many common diseases and their causes. These lectures are later replaced with hands-on cooking classes.
  • Personal time will follow with evening poultices given, if needed.
  • Group worship is next, where mental and spiritual aspects of health are discussed. Then it is free time to rest and contemplate the day before retiring.

Upon completion of the program, each guest not only begins to learn the fundamental Biblical principles of cooperating with God for physical restoration, but they also acquire new friends and family with whom they've bonded over the course of their stay.


Our Home is beautifully situation on 120 acres of secluded countryside property in northwest Tennessee in the midst of rolling hills, pine oak, and cedar trees. The peace and quiet of nature has a marvelously soothing and restorative effect.

We accommodate health guests in a modest home with comfortably furnished rooms. Each room is designed for two occupants or one couple. Bedding and towels are provided.


The suggested donations for our programs are:

Standard Donation: 18-Day Cleansing Program:

  • 1 Person-full participant                                                                          $ 5,495
  • 2 Persons (Husband and Wife) both participating                 $10,490
  • 2 Persons (Husband and Wife) only one participating          $ 7,992

  Standard Donation: 10-Day Cleansing Program:

  • 1 Person-full participant                                                                         $ 3,200
  • 2 Persons (Husband and Wife) both participating                  $ 6,150
  • 2 Persons (Husband and Wife) only one participating          $ 4,675

Donation for Other Conditions*: 18-Day Cleansing Program:

  • 1 Person-full participant                                                                          $ 5,995
  • 2 Persons (Husband and Wife) both participating                 $11,490
  • 2 Persons (Husband and Wife) both participating                                                                     1 with other condition(s)*                                                                    $10,990  
  • 2 Persons (Husband and Wife) only one participating          $ 8,742

Donation for Other Conditions*: 10-Day Cleansing Program:

  • 1 Person-full participant                                                                         $ 3,700
  • 2 Persons (Husband and Wife) both participating                  $ 7,150
  • 2 Persons (Husband and Wife) both participating                                                                     1 with other condition(s)*                                                                     $ 6,650
  • 2 Persons (Husband and Wife) one participating                    $ 5,425

    DEPOSIT: A minimum non-refundable deposit of $700 for all guests is required once your application has been approved to secure a reservation. We accept personal checks, money orders, Visa, Master Card, & Discover, Cash, Zelle 731-393-3838, PAYPAL (PAYPAL charges a 3.50% fee).  All checks and money orders should be made payable to M.E.E.T. Ministry.

    BALANCE DUE: The remaining balance, which is due two weeks prior to arrival, is also non-refundable, except for uncontrollably dire circumstances such as death or other unforeseen emergencies. We are aware that there are other important non-emergent circumstances that may also arise. In such cases, the applicant will have 3 sessions to reschedule.

    *Other Conditions Include, but are not limited to:  Cancer, AIDS, HIV+, ALS, Multiple Sclerosis, etc.

    General Information

    Praise God that you are coming! We welcome the privilege of serving and pray that our Heavenly Father will bless you in your quest for better physical and spiritual health. Here is some important information to prepare you for the trip and the experience during your stay.

    Please download and read this General Information document for all information you need to know about:

    • What to bring and not bring
    • Travel Arrangements
    • Suggestions for hotels near Nashville airport 
    • Directions to MEET and much more!

    Application Process

    Thank you for your interest in Our Home Health Retreat. Applicants are required to submit the completed application form as well as recent medical records (lab reports, CAT scans, x-ray reports, summaries or other pertinent information) two weeks before the session begins. **Please allow for two weeks for a response to your Our Home Natural Retreat Application.**  Please submit application form via email to

    Please Download Health Guest Application Form (482 KB)

    Conditions of Acceptance

    Our Home Health Retreat, as indicated in our disclaimer, is a learning facility where guests are admitted as students to learn to maintain or recover their health and medically take charge of their own lives. We are not a medical facility or treatment center, nor do we give medical advice.

    To be admitted here health guests/students must:

    1. be of legal age of accountability
    2. be physically mobile and able to perform their own personal hygiene
    3. be mentally competent and capable of making their own decisions
    4. be emotionally stable and self-responsible
    5. be able to follow clearly written instructions

    • You are not considered confirmed and no space is reserved for you until we receive your completed health questionnaire along with a $700.00 dollar deposit. These must be received no later than two (2) weeks prior to your arrival at our health facility to begin the health session you registered for.
    • Health guests are also required to submit recent medical records (lab reports, CT scans, x-ray reports, summaries, or other pertinent information) 2 weeks before the session begins.  Your lifestyle program will be based on the health questionnaire and whatever additional information you may be requested to provide, such as blood work, x-rays, CT scans, discharge summaries, etc.
    • The program that is developed for you will focus on your major health concerns. We recognize that you might have other minor aches or pains. However, by addressing the major concerns, the smaller ones will be eliminated in the process.
    • We give no guarantee of healing; we cooperate with God who is the true source of healing.  An individualized plan will be shared with you, placing you on the road to recovery.  This plan will be based on the submitted health questionnaire, medical records and other provided information.
    • If, during the implementation of the program, circumstances or problems arise as a result of purposeful withholding of important medical information or a lack transparency, for your sake as well as the sake of the ministry and other guests, you may be informed that we are no longer able to assist you. Your donation will be non-refundable. No refunds will be given for health guests choosing to leave before the session ends or asked to leave due to undisclosed information.

    We welcome the privilege of serving you and pray that our Heavenly Father will bless you in your quest for better physical and spiritual health.

    I Have Read And Agree To The Standard And Regulations.

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