Meet M.E.E.T. Ministry
M.E.E.T. was organized in 1988 in the family home of Drs. Thomas and Laverne Jackson. Forty-five plus years ago, Dr. Thomas Jackson discovered the secret of health through his study of the Bible. He confirmed his findings scientifically as well as through his personal experience. For ten years, beginning at the age of 17 years, he battled a seemingly hopeless battle against the number one crippling disease – arthritis. He was told medically there was no cure for his condition and he would just have to live with it for the rest of his life. However, he began to apply the Bible's secret of health to his own life, and, by God's grace, he was freed from the devastating effects of arthritis. Although his condition kept him from pursuing his career as a professional basketball player, God had something better for him to do!
After accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, the Jackson's answered the call to enter into His service. They were both moved by the word of God to start a full-time Ministry called Missionary Education and Evangelistic Training (M.E.E.T). The acronym M.E.E.T. was inspired by Amos 4:12, "Prepare to meet thy God, O Israel." The burden was laid upon them to help others to be prepared for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
From its humble beginnings, M.E.E.T has grown tremendously by the grace of God. It is now located on 122 acres of land in West Tennessee, with a staff of committed Christian men and women. M.E.E.T. has instructed and trained hundreds of men and women throughout North America, Europe, Australia, Asia, Africa, South America, the West Indies, Bermuda and New Zealand. In addition, M.E.E.T. has been actively involved in establishing health ministries in California, Arizona, Washington, Florida, Michigan, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific Islands, and Asia.
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